This site was last updated on July, 2010
Definitions and Scope:
The best website on "Herkimer Diamonds"
This page is designed to be a quick page for directions to mines that the general public can collect at. More detailed information can be found at each of the individual deposit web pages- see deposit index. If there are changes to the information below please notify us.
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Herkimer Collecting - Quick Directions Page
A public service project always open to input from the community interested in Herkimer diamonds.
There is no real contact although Margaret Hasting's daughter Linda lives at the site. The surest way not to get messed up is to exit the NY Turnpike at Fonda. Go West to the bridge and cross the river. Turn left on Rt 5. Go West to the first road out side of Fonda that goes up the hill. This is Hickory Hill Road. It is not
a right turn but angles up the hill. Follow Hickory Hill for several miles until you come to Barker Road. Turn right on Barker. This road curves around and comes to Stone Arabia Road. Turn left on Stone Arabia. The first driveway to the left is the entrance to the mine. The alternate route is to go through Palatine Bridge and take Rt 10 North to Stone Arabia Road and turn East for several miles. Look for Barker Road (which becomes England Road on the North side of Stone Arabia) Then go back to the mine.The only sign to the mine is a crossed pickaxe and shovel painted blue near the entrance. But even that was overgrown last summer, thus the Barker Road directions. (directions taken from the link below)
Diamond Acres - Fonda, NY:
Phone: (518) 762-7960
Crystal Grove - St. Johnsville, NY:
Phone: (518) 568-2914
Treasure Mt - Little Falls NY:
Rt 5s Currently Closed
Ace of Diamonds Mine, Middleville, NY:
Phone: (315) 891-7355
161 County Highway 114 - there are signs on Rt 5, in St Johnsville, NY, pointing the way.
Straight on Rt. 28, north of the above mine - can't miss it
Straight on Rt. 28, north of Herkimer, NY - can't miss it
Herkimer Diamond Mines, Herkimer/Middleville, NY:
Hickory Hill Diamond Diggings - Fonda, NY:
Only open three weekends each year - Memorial, July fourth, Labor Day
Bill & Dianne Petronis' famous Herkimer digging spot
If you know of any more Herkimer Diamond collecting sites that are open to the public please send an email with information for this page.
Web page author - W. David Hoisington, Ph.D.