Best Website for Herkimer Diamond Information

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Free Website Where Herkimer Diamond Enthusiasts Share Information with the Public

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Dr.C. did two talks at the Herkimer Diamond Festival (July)which are in a Youtube movie. The research on the Herkimer District is in need of samples and photos.

How can you help? Visit the "how to help" page.

The Herkimer district is a big place (click Directions above to see district map) and having a website that covers everything requires YOUR HELP.  On this webpage is a list of the things you can do to help this research project.

How to Help the Herkimer Diamond Research Project and to Contact Us with New Information

Samples of wall rock and black hydrocarbon material from quartz pockets is needed for research. Also - how small of a "hopper crystal" can you photograph?



Pass it on!  Tell others about the website. Make links to it on Facebook, your own webpage, and in forums and blogs. Ask to join "Friends of Herkimers" by sending an email - you will get regular updates on our progress.

Take pictures when you are collecting that shows how to collect, what Herkimer diamonds look like in the wild.  Also photograph any unusual specimen.  Send a .jeg photo attached to an email.  We seek to post high quality photos. Please consider the following when taking pictures of Herkimer diamond specimens for this website:
1) Is there a photo already like it on the site?  If so then send yours only if it is of higher quality or it shows something slightly different.
2) Do you have bright white glare off of crystals (or glare off faces on one crystal) in the photo?  If so try to re-shoot the picture in order to reduce the glare (rotate the crystal or camera).
3) Try to have everything in focus (although this can be difficult with small specimens).

Send a specimen donation - particularly ones that show things that are not on the website.  Use a hand lens (loop) to look closely for small things. If you see something odd send it.  Odd things are clues to the history.

Address:  Dr. W. David Hoisington
                368 Flory Heights, Center Rutland, VT 05736

See list of needed specimens below.

Of special research interest - Pocket Wall Rock .  Most of the time this gets thrown away.  Preferably wall rock with at least a hint of having crystals (of quartz) on it.  Photos of the pocket where the specimen came from would be of additional help.        Wall rock with a Herkimer diamond attached is the best specimen to send for research examination, but all wall rock is of interest.  Other specimens needed:

1. well preserved calcite         2. black or dark dolomite       3.  baby druze samples

4. skeletal or hopper crystals - even fragments     5.  odd hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon features

6. Herkimer encased in hydrocarbon.

6. minerals on top of each other - see the event relationship page for examples.


W. David Hoisington, Ph.D.

Sept., 2015

Photos needed: 1. Mine site pictures, especially historical ones, 2 . Pocket pics especially sequences that show the discovery process, 3.  Photo series showing the use of tools to explore (from beginner to advanced) and how they are used in each mine, 4. Detailed photos of a hydrocarbon pocket containing Herkimers, 5. HBQ photos and 6. Anything odd or very beautiful from a mine.

Urget Need!!!

Samples of "baby floater" druze are needed

Click here to see what that druze looks like