Dr. C’s Blog about Exploring the Herkimer Mining District
Best Website for Herkimer Diamond Information - Made Possible by Collector Donations
Every year something new is discovered
within the Herkimer Mining District. You
can find these under New Discoveries
The information, and photography, on this website is copyright protected
by W. David Hoisington, Ph. D. unless another author/photographer is cited.
Welcome to the New Herkimer Diamond Story!
Return often and follow this developing story. Refresh your
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The blog entries are aimed at presenting non technical discussions of the collaborative work being done on expanding the story of how Herkimer
diamonds were formed. Past blog entries can be viewed by clicking on next at the bottom of the page.
Click Next to See Past Blog Entries:
Contribute to Herkimer
Diamond research and
have your name below!
Thank you Shannon Haley
Wilbur for the donation of 30
samples from the Fonda
region.1/05/2019 and 3/2/2019
Check out her Facebook.
Spheres and curved objects are occassionally found within solid hydrocarbon and presumed to be in contact with hydrocarbon during their formation. A beautiful
sphere is shown in the photo below right. The spheres are always small. They are strong evidence for the presence of hydrocarbons prior to the introduction of
quartz bearing solutions.
Spheres and Curved Objects Page is being Updated - 03/06-09/2019
There are other curved objects found with Herkimer diamonds. Below is a
photo of a hopper sphere - field named “birds eye sphere” by Kathryn S.
This one is on top of a very thin tabular quartz crystal.
Both of
and more,
can be
found in
the slide
show on
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