Prismatic Quartz and Scepters from Mines and Deposits in the Herkimer Mining District
There are some larger quartz crystals which are not double terminated, but instead grow as prismatic crystals. These
prismatic quartz crystals serve as the “rods” for the scepters - Herkimer diamonds on top of rods.
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Best Website for Herkimer Diamond Information - Made Possible by Collector Donations
The occurrence of these
elongated single
terminated quartz
crystals appears to be
quite varied across the
district. In some mines it
is hard to find even tiny
ones just a little bigger
than the prismatic druze.
In other mines there are
clearly developed, well
formed, prismatic quartz
crystals. The photos
here are of the well
developed crystals.
The photos will begin
with crystals that are not
scepters, followed by a
series of scepter photos.
Prismatic Quartz
Varies Alot Across
the District
It may be that this
prismatic quartz event is
an extension of the
prismatic druze (see the
druze page - button
below), or a replacement
of it. Finding specimens
that contain both might
help answer this, but thus
far such a specimen has
been elusive.
The information, and photography, on this website is copyright protected
by W. David Hoisington, Ph. D. unless another author/photographer is cited.
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More Research - We think the prismatic event may have played an important role of how some Herkimer diamonds
were made by acting as “seed” crystalization points. Changes to our understanding of this event will happen in light of
the new discovery to be announced July 16 and 17..
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Diamond research and
have your name below!
Thank you Shannon Haley
Wilbur for the donation of 30
samples from the Fonda
region.1/05/2019 and 3/2/2019
Check out her Facebook.