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Suggested Research:
Exploring a Hypothosis
Best Website for Herkimer Diamond Information - Made Possible by Collector Donations
The information, and photography, on this website is copyright protected by W. David Hoisington, Ph. D. unless another author/photographer is cited.
Welcome to the New Herkimer Diamond Story!
Return often and follow this developing story. Refresh your browser (right click) to see new updates
Since 2006, donations have been sent to Herkimer History from all over the district.  This allows us to see features of commonality and difference. If you have a sample from the Herkimer Mining District, that is unusual please send us a photo, or a sample donation.
Suggested Research
There are other ideas people have about how Herkimer diamonds were made.  On this website is the hypothesis the the fluids were introduced into the rock after it was made. Additional work is needed to support, or refute, this hypothesis.  Links to suggested research projects are listed below.
Host Rock Research Host Rock Research Contact Us Contact Us Herkimer Diamond Research Herkimer Diamond Research Fault and Fluid Research Fault and Fluid Research
Competing Stories - but Little Hard Science
In the course of science advancement it is common to have different explanations to explain how natural processes made something.  This website presents a story and has asked the community to become involved in collecting information to either support this story or refute it.  The goal is to have a story which explains all the different features we find in association with the Herkimer diamond mining district.
Updated - 03/09/2019
Contribute to Herkimer Diamond research and have your name below!
Thank you Shannon Haley Wilbur for the donation of 30 samples from the Fonda region.1/05/2019 and 3/2/2019 Check out her Facebook.
Photo Request!
In Place Pocket Photos