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Dr. C’s Blog about Exploring the Herkimer Mining District
Best Website for Herkimer Diamond Information - Made Possible by Collector Donations
Every year something new is discovered within the Herkimer Mining District. You can find these under New Discoveries 
The information, and photography, on this website is copyright protected by W. David Hoisington, Ph. D. unless another author/photographer is cited.
Welcome to the New Herkimer Diamond Story!
Return often and follow this developing story. Refresh your browser (right click) to see new updates
 The blog entries are aimed at presenting non technical discussions of the collaborative work being done on expanding the story of how Herkimer diamonds were made.  At the start of each year the blog page will begin fresh and the previous year’s blog entries put on a separate archive webpage.  
Click Next to See Past Blog Entries:  
New Discoveries New Discoveries
What’s New!
Back from the Herkimer Festival in Herkimer NY - July, 2016
This is the second year the Davis family and friends have put on this great festival, and there were significant improvements over last years event.  Is there room to improve?  Surely, as there is for all of us.  But they are to be commended for expanding the quality of the venue from what it was the first year.  As for me, well…. I think that new discoveries about Herkimer diamonds should be announced in Herkimer New York.  In 2016 the discovery of a district wide crystal frost was announced.  I am honored to be part of this wonderful event in Herkimer New York. Me and “The Wife” (as she called herself) had a great time. With the help of the community, I hope to continue presenting new insights and new discoveries every July at this festival.  
We came away with some exciting ideas that will be added to this website soon:
Ongoing Research Page Ongoing Research Page A Crystal Frost Page A Crystal Frost Page
The crystal frost page, under inclusions (since the best has been found as such), will present the basic forms presented by the crystal frost.  The crystal frost is quite extraordinary in it’s appearance, which will hopefully be evident in the photos. The ongoing research page will present “work in progress” on some unexplained crystal phenomenon from the Herkimer Mining District. This year we are focusing on curves and spheres and have called it “The Spheres Project”. This research will look at curved features in Herkimer diamonds and try to expand the story of how Herkimer diamonds were made… Also take a look at the suggested research page, research we hope to accomplish. 
Dr. C’s Presents the New Story in North Adams- December, 2016
The “new story” was recently presented in North Adams and was warmly received.  The presentation was more of a seminar,  a lot of questions and audience participation.  From that we added a suggested research page. The new story needs more data if it is to become a well substantiated theory. As more evidence is collected across the Herkimer diamond district, the old story becomes insufficient - see old theory page
A new discovery, “Birds Eye Spheres”, named by Katherine S., is posted.
Updated - 03/09/2019
Contribute to Herkimer Diamond research and have your name below!
Thank you Shannon Haley Wilbur for the donation of 30 samples from the Fonda region.1/05/2019 and 3/2/2019 Check out her Facebook.
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